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Vision without action is just a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world. ~Joel Barker

About Kimber

​Kimber King has spent the last decade helping 100′s of people achieve success both financially and physically. Because of her passion to help others reach their own personal goals of health and wealth, Kimber and her husband Stewart have been able to create a high 6 figure income working part-time from their home, all while enjoying a balanced, rewarding, family and charity focused lifestyle. Kimber is dedicated to serving God, her husband and their three sons.

She enjoys spending time with friends and family, traveling, self discovery and improvement and is passionate about helping others break free from what holds them back so they can create success in their own lives as well. Kimber King has been recognized by her company and industry:

  • Top 50 & 100 Income Earning Awards
  • Top Team Builder Award
  • Outstanding Women of 2004 Award
  • Recognized by a Multi-Millionaire Industry Trainer for her work and as an expert in Social Media Marketing
  • Recognized in Success from Home Magazine
  • Featured Story in “Making Money from Home” by Donna Partow & “Careers from the Kitchen Table” by Raven Blair Davis (CBS Radio Host)
  • Co-Host of  the popular Internet Show for Women in Network Marketing, Real Savvy Success Mentoring Call on BlogTalkRadio
  • Co-Founder and Owner of the Women’s Training Company for Network Marketing, Real SaVvy Success


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Kimber's Story

In 2002, Kimber King was a busy stay at home mom with three boys, ages 6, 4 and 2. She wasn’t looking for a way to make money from home, but when she began using a line of products that dramatically impacted her health, she couldn’t help telling everyone she knew about it. Kimber recalls, “The products were sold through a network marketing company and I actually had a very negative view of the industry. But the results I had with my own health far outweighed all the negative things I felt about the business.”

So she quickly signed up enough family and friends to reach the top rank level in her company in the first six weeks. Within 90 days, her monthly earnings matched the full time income she had previously been paid in the corporate world. Kimber soon began reaching beyond her immediate circle of contacts through social networking on the internet. She recalls, “One night I stumbled upon a site on the internet that described itself as a business networking site. It was free and on the site you had the opportunity to create a profile page for yourself. I dove right in and started connecting with a ton of people. I did some things very naturally that literally launched my business on the internet and to this day, from this one site I have an organization of 6000+ members. Then I started branching out onto other sites like message boards and forums. I began cultivating online relationships mostly focusing on other stay at home moms.”

Another of Kimber’s success secrets is working with a personal business coach. Although she was earning a great income from home, she was working long hours on the computer and her income had remained the same for nearly 2 ½ years. “It was a very lucrative income for a stay at home mom of three,” she says, “But I began to have great goals for my family and helping others and I was frankly stuck.” Within eight weeks of working with the network marketing coach, Kimber was earning a monthly five-figure income and an annual six-figure income while reducing her work hours to less than 20 hours per week. (More information on her Home Business Coach featured on Oprah, Secret Millionaire, The View and Good Morning America, Dani Johnson).

Kimber also credits her parents for much of her success. “My dad instilled a spirit of excellence in me. By watching my mother work in her own hair salon, I learned how to treat customers.” Kimber says the key is focusing on others. “It’s always about them and not me! What are their needs? What are their goals? What are their strengths? What are their desires? It’s never been about me and my income goals or rank advancements. If you focus on others, all that will come! One of my mentors says it like this, “If you focus on the mission, you get the commission!’”Trust in God is also central to her business approach. As she explains, “When I start a dialogue with someone, my main intention is to discover how can I bless them. It might not be about business at all. It’s all about relationships first and then anything that flows out of it from there I leave up to God! I trust Him completely with my business and that He will also put those in front of me that I am supposed to serve.

When people ask what I do to create success in my home business, I tell them two simple things: pray and take action. I pray for those who are looking for me and for those I can serve. Then I pick up that phone or connect with someone. “Faith without works is dead!” I have faith in my Heavenly Father to provide the way but I also know that I have to step out on that path in faith.” Kimber has stepped out in faith knowing that God is the provider in her home business and that’s made all the difference. Now seven years later, she earn a six- figure income from home, working part-time, raising her sons and modeling the same entrepreneurial spirit she saw in her own mother. Copyrighted excerpt from the book, Making Money From Home by Donna Partow

2010 - present

2010 - present

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